... in

... in 80 Urlaubstagen um die Welt

Sonntag, 7. Juli 2013

so long, and thanks for all the fish!

unfortunatly we are back home ... thx to all for beeing with us on our journey!

Samstag, 29. Juni 2013


Now doesn't he look a lot like a hippo? And who is the closest relative of  the whales according to both Lynné and to modern DNA based phylogeny? The hippo! :)

Lagenorhynchus obliquidens (Pacific white sided dolphin) - reminded me a lot of the Dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) we so extendedly could see in New Zealand (pics under the new zealand section in this blog: here and here); seems they are actually closely related.

Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
C: the biggest parrot, unfortunately an endangered species and my favourites


C: my new sailing boat ;)

Orcinus orca ;)

C: cute little watertaxis in victoria :)

Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013


Market and puget sound in the back

SAM - Seattle Art Museum

H: funny - Ziegen unter der Autobahn

H: the problem in the USA: cars! thousands and thousands of them, seemingly having taken control of the country. Here you see the cars going to the university - maybe thats why the humans are not educated enough ;)

A marathon at the highway - humans strike back against cars! ;)

Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013


...baby! victoria - so much more relaxed than the states. :)

Montag, 24. Juni 2013

Watch this unbelieveably cool guitar player

His name is Doug, we stumbled upon him on a Blues jam night in a roadhouse in the middle of nowhere - lucky find!

who knows where we are right now?


in seattle harald finally found ...

H: a danelektro with a case ... a case ... with AN AMP WITHIN THE CASE! How cool is that?!!!!

Oahu Amps

H: and here is what I wanted to try at least once in person: A Gibson Amp (Gibson GA-6 in that case) - very nice warm sound. Was thinking about buying it and still do - 1000$ for a 14 Watter is kinda steep so, still thinking, ;) For those who know, its more or less a Fender Tweed Deluxe clone.

H: a real Leslie in the background (and some Zvex Fuzz factories in the foreground)

H: and another legend: a Blackface Bassman from the 60s. Sounds similar to my sliverface though, so a lot of the legend may be just that - legend. Still a sweet sounding amp though.

Freitag, 21. Juni 2013

olympic national park

our nice spooky hotel ;)

H: somebody was here BEFORE us!!!

H: Cirripedia auf einem Stamm der aus dem Meer angeschwemmt wurde - 100e und alle lebendig!
(das sind Krebse, die einen muschelähnlichen Habitus und Lebensstil haben - oft schauen sie wie kleine Vulkane aus; diese hier haben eine zweigeteilte Schale, die sie Muscheln noch ähnlicher macht - vermutlich heissen sie wohl deswegen auch "Entenmuscheln")

H: Bold eagle (Weißkopfseeadler) - mit dem Osprey (Fischfalke) den wir vor einigen Tagen sahen  einer der großen Jäger hier.
