... in

... in 80 Urlaubstagen um die Welt

Samstag, 30. März 2013

HAPPY EASTER to everybody!

we just realized that it must be easter because there are no accomodations left ... maybe tonight we have to sleep in our tini tiny car ... we will see ... :)
Whats the sound? The first accoustic riddle on this blog. Not that I would know it, I just have a faint idea. Car is also a valid answer ;)


Koala fight

Today we are featuring a fierce Koala fight:


on the way to the byron bay bluesfest near byron bay and overnight stay at nimbin

a nice beach near goldcoast 

on the way to nimbin somewhere in the mountains

vampire-kangaroos ... :)

near byron bay

my beloved band and singer ... the counting crows and adam duritz! finally saw them live ... they hardly ever play in europe ... 

tini tiny but of course everybody immediately can see the best guitarist of the world
and his wife - the wonderful singer and guitarist - here, eh?



brisbane & lone pine koala sanctuary

brisbane is really neither a city to live nor to stop ...
but still we could catch some nice pics especially from the lone pine koala sanctuary!
Grayhound australia busdrivers seem to have cool uniforms these days... ;-)

Australia - land of the unbelieveable creatures...

everybody knows this animal that almost ate us. ;) 

brisbane by night - in front the casino

koalas again ;)
untill today only seen in zoos (no sighting yet in the wild)

they cuddled also koalas

plasticbag-dingo (museum of modern art)

looks nice, or? Totally artificial though.

real dingo


Cassowary = Kasuar. Finally seen one - in the zoo again. Our journey gets more and more similar to the one that D. Adams and Mark Carwardine made when they wrote their famous book "Last Chance To See". Which is not a good thing, since it means that many animals seem to be bordering on the edge to extinction, and certainly so does the cassowary, since its environment has been massively degraded by human actions.

emu also in the zoo but i was told that there are for example many on the way from adelaide to alice springs

das heutige ratespiel: was ist das?

this has to be the most ugly and clumsy carnivora of all times... well, actually in this picture he looks quite cute. Of course everybody knows what it is, or?

Whitsunday Islands

a little bit late some pics from our sailing trip to the whitsundays ... :)

skipper to the left & entertainer to the right



harald doesnt't know ...

me again :))

harald ... pls tilt your monitor to the left, we were too stupid to rotate this ...  no harald was to dumb! ;)

on deck at dawn 
my footprint on whitehaven beach

cute stowaway

Bivalvia im Korallenstock

sunset ... so beautiful!

harald at whitehaven beach

whitehaven beach

stranded somewhere on the whitsundays and nothing else to do ... ;)

Freitag, 29. März 2013


after a long bluesnight and an.even longer drive home to the hippie village nimbin in the mountains that felt like a christmas market to me, were today back at the ocean at coolangata. cooly yha hostly is perfectly located right beneath the runway of cooly airport. wtf... shouldnt their webpage say so? so at least the room prices are low? nope. but the ocean is close. tomorrow.we ll try to visit the lamington and springbrooks national parks in search of satin bowerbirds and glowworm colonies.

Mittwoch, 27. März 2013


today we ll fetch a car again and makw our way to nimbin where we ll just check into the hostel and immediately drive of to ....... the BYRON BAY BLUES FESTIVAL!!! thats right, today its counting crows, derek trucks, robert cray and more! hope we ll find our way out of brisbane with all those spaghetti streets ;)

lone pine koala sanctuary


brisbane: should have been a beautiful town back then. today all those lovely old houses are swallowed by skyscrapers and way too much business. on our way to lonepine koala sanctuary just at the outskirts of brisbane.

Montag, 25. März 2013

on the way to brisbane by bus ...

... about 1300 km and 18 hours ...
roadkill so fare observed ... 5 kangaroos and 1 possum (species identification only tentative)

whitsunday islands

@ dominik

back from our sailingtrip to the whitsunday islands

we are still sailing on land ... everything is still shaking espacially when i close my eyes. the trip was very nice! i really like sailing and i didn't get seasick even with some big waves. that's really good because i am looking forward to make my own sailing licence! :)

weaver ant transport

And here comes my contribution to the ant video of the year contest (which I just invented):

Group transport in Oecophylla (aka Weaver ant or Green Ant as the australians say):


Sonntag, 24. März 2013


sunburn, shaking floor, group dynamics, eluding sleep, the stars and the moon at midnight, fish, salt, sand, getting wet... can only think in phrases and detached words, was very exhausting. we liked the canooing trip and the sailing (with engine off) most.

Somwhere in Mission Beach