... in

... in 80 Urlaubstagen um die Welt

Sonntag, 10. März 2013

Today is recreation day - badly needed. The country is soo large and sometimes unbelieveably hot that even a small 4 day trip with the campervan brings you quickly to your limits. Luckily we found a cool place here at chillis to spend the day and recreate ourselfes. Some impressions of this first trip:

* Sleeping in a campervan at these temperatures is... ummm.... difficult
* Birdlife is extraordinarily rich - I couldn't even start to guess the species here, except for the Kakadu
* the country here at the top end is lonely. In Lichfield we were almost alone; even rangers are only rarely seen this time of the year; they come and go in small crowds and then you're alone again.
* We developed a first idea about the most important things in Australia in order:
-> BBQ (no NP without BBQ sites all around)
-> Lawnmawing (yes, they do it in the NP too! *.*)
-> Swimming (not allowed anywhere this time of the year; Salties seem to be everywhere)
Ah, and we also met our first cangoroos - the small mountain species; cute and curious animaly, but they wouldn't let you get too close.

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