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Montag, 25. Dezember 2017

bye bye Malaysia

leaving malaysia makes me a bit sad because the malayan people are so nice and friendly and always helpful.
also i liked very much that they seem to go with the flow ๐Ÿ˜‰ (even with that really crazy traffic everywhere).
the food i didnt like so much because it was most of the time too sweet for my taste. i have learned that malayan people love sweetness and so here at penang, maybe in whole malaysia, they are a bit obsessed with stevia (which i dont like very much).
the food tastes good whenever it is a mixture of malayan, chinese and espacially indian cuisines, known as nyonya.
but i do like the spices of the malayan cuisine like laksa leaf.
thx so much Malaysia! ๐Ÿค—

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