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... in 80 Urlaubstagen um die Welt

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013

gold (cold) beach oregon

a cats lodge?

42 - the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything ;)

H: we considered doing some stand up paddle as well, but it was too cold for us - so we'll proobably try that the first time on the old danube then ;)

killer or graywale?
H: there were at least 3 wales out there for more than 1 day, and they looked like gray wales. However THIS pic looks a lot like an orca... strange.

H: this big male butterfly looked almost like a silkmoth; we found it mostly immoveable on the shore; it was freezing - like us ;)

H: @Andrea - vielleicht gefaellt das den Parents? ;)

H: thats just so funny - to be found in many restrooms in the states

hecate lighthouse

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