... in

... in 80 Urlaubstagen um die Welt

Montag, 3. Juni 2013

golden gate bridge


4 Kommentare:

  1. Yeah, turned out, there is not much else to do here except the classic things: eat, eat, eat, ride cable cars, eat, visit bridges and stuff, play some old console games and flippers - now THAT was a nice surprise - and, did I mention eat? Drinking is not so easy here, since I could not find a decent bar, where you could simply get hammered with a few nice drinks (still waiting for my goodbey maitai) and not have to dance or .... EAT again .... or be in a good mood for conversation or anything. If you look up bars and reviews, what do you get? Lots of bars with good.... burgers. What the... why are they so fixated to food, thy can't separate that from drinking? ;)

  2. Harald!!! Did you cut the cable?

    1. ooops.... thats why i didnt find the bridge today?!


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