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... in 80 Urlaubstagen um die Welt

Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2013

The Exploratorium - Hands on science

Now this is what I call a low gear: the machine reduces the rotation speed of the motor to the left (thats running at quite a normal speed) so much, that the end - to the right - of it rotates once in about 1 Billion of years. This is, why the right end is simply afixed to a block of concrete - because it doesn't matter how good that side can move.

nono, that was NOT the exploratorium, that is the diner we visited twice. Food was mediocre, but I liked tha interior ;)
talk about cars: if you think san francisco is full with cool cars, you are mistaken. What you see these days on the streets are, funny enough, a lot of BMWs, Audis, Mercedes, Honda, some Fords, and maybe Toyota. No wonder, the american automobile industry is in a crisis.

You might think, THAT was our dessert at the diner, but no, THIS was again at the exploratorium: a starch+liquid mass over a speaker membrane coming alive. Looks spooky, like dancing demons. Everybody that knows the Big Bang theory knows the effect ;)

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