... in

... in 80 Urlaubstagen um die Welt

Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2013

San Francisco Bay

on a WWII submarine 

one of 2 torpedo rooms - at both ends of the boat

well, thats obviously NOT in the submarine; would have been comfy though, a game of Galaga  for the crew ;) turns out to be charloths most favourite console game ever...

ahja, back in the submarine again...

...tight quarters. even if its not submersed, simply beeing in there gives you the creeps. It swims in the ocean, tied at the harbour though, so you stell feel the waves and hear the water and ... more creeps. ;)

one last round of indiana jones flipper...

...and off on the first mission at battle station ;)

"suburbs" of san francisco

al catraz again, this time from a sailing vessel

...from the very same sailing vessel....

...which we are boarding here, feeling like boarding a polar expedition. YES it is THAT cold. Nobody prepared us for this and we really do not like that cold here, wishing us back to Hawaii.

our catamarans main sail

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