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... in 80 Urlaubstagen um die Welt

Sonntag, 28. April 2013

Wellington & Plimmerton

Wellington is really a nice town ... beautiful houses mostly made of wood, nice wharf/harbour used for various leisure activities, small and lovely centre, ... :))) but it is really a big city with all the suburbs!

view from our room in plimmerton

our hostel in plimmerton (near wellington) - really lovely

wellington city

wellington wharf

wellington wharf

our FIRST butterfly in NZ - yellow admiral (Vanessa itea)

Wellington Wharf

Wellington Wharf - really strange .... 20 degrees and they freeze water to go iceskating ...

Wellington City and still no member of the Conchords ;)
beautiful houses in wellington town

plimmerton: bay in the evening

wellington wharf

wellington wharf

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