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... in 80 Urlaubstagen um die Welt

Sonntag, 28. April 2013

Zealandia and Matiu/Somes island

The tuatara - as the ranger put it, their life plan is basically to do as little as possible. So they don't move very much for example, which makes it possible to mark their position! And they get very old - i've heard stories of about 100 years and more...

The Kaka - the closest relative to the Kea, only half as big and living in the woody lowlands, while the Kaka mostly lives in the mountains.

A Tui - one of the most eloquent birds I have ever heard before; some films where you can hear him sing will follow.

A cave Weta - in a cave. Where else.

Readers of this blog know this animal already: the glowworm. It sits in its slimy coccon on the ceiling of the cave, and waits for prey that sticks to its sticky capturing lines while it glows in the dark, trying to attract the prey. Eery animal.

Tree Wetas. Some NZs say they are fearsome, because they may bite. I found them quite tame.

Kaka - brownish/red in color; the underside of the wings is red, similar to the Keas.

Kaka in flight
C: one of my best pics

Langbeinschnäpper - sehr zutraulich
C: so cute :)

as one can see here

"fearsome" tree Wetas again in their weta hotel

C: Matiu/Somes is a pestfree island - but, as everywhere there are still sheep! For example this "working" sheep, as the ranger called it.

And finally.... the GIANT WETA!!!!! Also named Cook Strait Weta.

It could never do any harm to anyone...

...despite of its size. A very dozile weta, and therefore almost extinct.

Fearsome fight #3: Tui against Kaka (the Tui won in the end)

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