... in

... in 80 Urlaubstagen um die Welt

Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2013

bye bye hawaii :( ... mahalo!

this one we did not meet ... luckily!

leaving maui...

..is easy. too much tourists here. paia was nice though. however tomorrow we'll head for san francisco, which means we'll leave hawaii alltogether - which is sad. hope a few maitais tonight will help to deal with the separation pain ;)

Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013

Goodbye Kauai!

this was filmed at Hanalei Bay - one of the nicest spots of Kauai

on the way to hana and back (around the other part of maui)

windsurfer and ...
... surfer at pa'ia
H: it seems there are really some wet
parts in maui
H: Saigon - verflucht, schon wieder falsch abgebogen
... no it is also ke'anae




Luau in Old Lahaina

lei and mai tai :D

me and the luau in the background

sunset and we were all covered up in plastic bags - so called ponchos - because the rain would not stop ...
normally it dosen't rain so much in that part of the island ...

westmaui & part of the south


molokini crater

maui often looks like this ...

haralds beloved native hawaiian beers ;)

Dienstag, 28. Mai 2013

last impressions of kauai

near kapaa

hanalei bay
H: multipurpose boat: aussenbordmotor, segel, tret- und schlauchboot

hanalei bay

H: das unglaublich schöne tal

Keck Telescope

i have my own little 8,3m Keck telescope in my bag - i wonder what wonders of the universe it will uncover, once i've glued it together... ;)

Montag, 27. Mai 2013


...is dry - what a difference to the other islands! maybe the mountains here are too small to create enough clouds and rain?


...kauai is difficult, even if things here are far from perfect, the island makes a lasting impression; maybe because it hit me with a longboard? ;)
lets see what impression maui makes however.

Sonntag, 26. Mai 2013

wailua river

wailua river valley
opaeka'a falls

time for some more kayaking

Hawaiian guerillero armed with his ukulele

Austrian guerillero

this flower should last around 24h or so, starting out yellow and increasingly turning red - forgot the Hawaiian name, this names keep to elude me, since they seem to consist only of a lot of k's plus some vocals ;)

under the "secret" waterfall. The waterfall was sold to us as "secret" so we would get some sense of adventure...

...however the secret seemed to be well known to all the other tours too ;)