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Sonntag, 26. Mai 2013

beautiful Na Pali Coast

our snorkel spot

H: Kyphosus hawaiiensis "queen" - one female per swarm gets this fantastic color (at least this is what the captain of our ship told us); below a "normal" female (also called Hawaiian chub here)

Her majesty the qeen!
Or, all of this is not true, and this is only a color variant, occuring in about 1 fish of 500 and it is called queens chub, because only kings and queens where allowed to take this rare variant when fishing? This is what the internet has to say. I for my part can easily understand the idea of the yellow one beeing the queen, as this particular fish seemed to be always in the lead, and seemed most nosy concerning the ship and the snorkelers. However I later saw 2 of them in the swarm, so... 

pirates of the caribbean 3 beach and it should also be the beach of 7 days and 6 nights and many more movies ...
I am not sure if that is true ... 

2 Kommentare:

  1. @harald: schaut fast a bisserl nach titanic und "ich bin der könig der welt!" aus! ;)

    1. Hat sich auch so angefühlt - König des Pazifik! Der war an dem Tag und an der Stelle so ruhig und friedlich und ganz vorne am Boot hat man das Gefühl man ist allein mit dem Pazifik.


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