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Sonntag, 19. Mai 2013

Volcano National Park & Hilo/Hawaii

H: the lavafields along the chain of craters road are immense
Pauahi Crater
H: one of the creaters along the chain of craters. These craters were all once connect to the same magma bubble as the central caldera of Kilauea and the chain of craters stretches until the sea.
Ko'oko'alau Crater - the crater is not really visible anymore because of the vegetation
H: Approaching the end of chain of craters road

H: chain of craters road climbs down old lava streams...

H: at the sealevel finally, where the magma once flow into the sea....

Lantana - flowers change their color from yellow to pink as they mature, the leaves are toxic

H: our Hilo Hostel

H: Cute guests at the hostel


little community garden on a carpark in hilo ... very nice

H: glowing lavafield at the southern end of the island; too far away to reach it easily by foot

H: steam comes up where the lava hits the ocean - miles away though; can only be accessed via heli, boat or guided hikes these days

H: Lavafield going down to the ocean at night

H: astonishing how much light is emitted by glowing lava

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