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... in 80 Urlaubstagen um die Welt

Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013


Holualoa Kona Coffee Company - sun drying deck 
drying coffeebeans

helping hands at the coffee plantation
not yet ripe coffee - they are getting orange/red and ready to pick by august
flowering coffee plant
apple bananas ... very common on the islands, and veeery delicious!
H: black crab ... maybe an "aama crab"
saffron finch ... a non native bird (again); this one was brought in from south america
nice sunset before we went snorkeling with manta rays ... :)))

reef manta ray (Manta alfredi) - look for the dark shadow ;)
... taken at night so the pics did not get really well
H: turn your monitor bright...
H: ...then you might see its mouth at the lower left. This one was about 2-3ms "wing" span (reef mantas are smaller than the free water mantas) 
And here some moving pics of a moving (and cold and with high waves, therefore the jitter) moment:

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