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Montag, 20. Mai 2013

"The Coqui Frog" or "the only senseful nightlife in Hilo"

Hilo nightlife is.... not present. Restaurants close at 9pm! Why this is is beyond me. Makes the city somewhat senseless - why would people gather if they cannot go out at night?

However there is one species that has a rhythm that more closely resembles the one of the average european, and here you can hear it:

took me some time to find the little noisemaker, but here he goes:

Eleutherodactylus coqui - so small and so loud! He produces the dominant sound you hear in Hilo at nighttime - a loud "cooo - qui!".

and of course, you name it, it is an invasive species - from puerto rico this time. At least this one was not imported on purpose.

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