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Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013

Waikiki Beach

these guys could be seen frequently ... strange ...  
H: Red crested cardinal - like ALL birds you can see there, NOT Hawaiian.  Hawaiian native birds do only persist in small pockets of wood in the highlands - why is this? Because the midges (that were unfortunately also imported to the islands) cannot thrive in high ground - they roam the wet lowloands and spread bird diseases that were brought by all those birds from other countries. Like the red crested cardinal above - its from south america. There is also one cardinal thats competely red, from N-America (northern cardinal) and lots of other beautiful birds from america, india, africa - you name it, from everywhere except Hawaii. The island is a very big aviarum.

H: an eucalyptus tree thats NOT from Australia (and also not from Hawaii) - the only one  in existence as I hear. Funy bark.

H: Sea turtles everywhere! Could not believe my eyes, how close they get to humans!

H: Kugelfisch vom Ufer aus fotografiert

H: alle 1-2 minuten is luftholen angesagt

nice sunset ...
... but too many people ...
and we found a better one ... ;)))

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